Sunday, February 19, 2017

Yellow Journalism

To start off I think if you want to understand yellow journalism you first need to understand what motivates these people to write what they write. I would say the two biggest motivators are money and just getting attention. I would say for the most part the people writing for yellow journalism don't believe most of the stuff they write down they just know that it will trigger people and that's all they want. When you’re on the outside looking in it can maybe be hard to understand how these people live with themselves lying everyday of their lives, but when you’re on the inside I would say it might just feel like a creative writing class that you get paid for. In my own opinion I would just say these are bad people who are motivated by money and fame and they don't care that the lies they publish could have real impact on somebody out there. If you look at how social media has been corrupted I'm sure you'll be able to tell that eventually it’s just going to take over every site and page and you won’t be able to get away from it and I think that the sad truth. For me personally yellow journalism is why I got rid of my social media because I didn't want to see the hate from either of any disagreements on the internet. But to get back to yellow journalism I think the only way to fix this is to expose the people writing it for what they really are and even if we could do that I know there would still be people that take what they say for 100% truth and that right there is crushing to realize.


  1. You are right. One thing we can do is to be able to know which one are fake so we would not be too fascinated about it. Of course if the news is in the magazine for example, just look at the headline and laugh. They still get their way out because no matter how fake the news appear and sounds to be, we still read, buy the magazines and they keep on getting their money and the attention they seek as you said.

  2. These people come out publicly to say they are yellow journalists like Wade and Goldman. They know they circulate fake news but continue to do it because that is where they make their money.

  3. I agree with you about the money thing. They just want to make easy, fast money. They aren't necessarily bad people in my opinion, because they say in the article that they don't think their readers believe them, although the comments they receive say differently.

  4. Phtephen,
    I agree with you about the notoriety--it can be intoxicating for some writers on the web, sometimes moreso than the earnings aspect--as you can see in the original TJ article in which the writers were obsessively counting page views. So can you elaborate on why you got rid of social media? Was it that you were worried you'd fall victim, or was it annoying to see those around you believe these exaggerations and lies?

  5. I totally agree with your blog post. A lot of yellow journalists are looking for a quick way to get money. For future, I would recommend not using first person in your posts like Professor Quinn stated in class.
