Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Will the media in the U.S. be infested with fake news in years to come?

It's June 19th 2050, and everyone is running around like chicken's without a head, because news is out that the U.S. government is going to ban breakfast forever.  "No more breakfast for y'all" is trending on social media, and because the Facebook and Twitter users are clicking on the article, it's beginning to appear everywhere they scroll.  If yellow journalism continues and the people are still dumb enough to believe it, the future of the U.S. is screwed.

 It sounds ridiculous doesn't it? People might believe that the U.S government would diminish what most people believe is "the most important meal of the day."

Instead of becoming more technologically advanced as we expect to be with flying cars, robots, and the people of the United States will look like this...
Image result for parent yanking kid
The citizens of the United states (baby), and yellow journalists (everyone else) if fake news continues.
 We'll look like a hot mess.

The different types of mis/disinterpretation that fake news has includes misleading content, or misleading use of information to frame an issue or individual, false content, when genuine content is shared with false contextual information, and fabricated content, where the content is 100% false, and is designed to deceive and do harm.

If yellow journalism continues and becomes more sought out, then the people won't be ale to distinguish which news is actually true or not.  Which is dangerous because the people will be brain washed by these apparent false news articles.

News networks like CNN, NBC, FOX, and ABC will lose ratings and will eventually go extinct because it won't appeal as much to the audience as these fake news articles will.

This is why staying away from fake news is so vital is because the true and credible news networks will eventually convert to yellow journalism if they don't go extinct.  Stay alert, stay aware, and refrain from following fictitious journalism.  

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