Sunday, March 19, 2017

Global Horror

Fake news is not only a problem in America. It is now a global epidemic stretching from continent to continent.

Just recently Ghana Web, a news site for Ghana posted an article that talked about how a Tanzanian news reporter was suspended for broadcasting fake news about President Donald Trump on air. The fake news according to Ghana web was that trump praised Tanzanian president  John Magufuli's speech. The news was brought forth on Fox channel. However, how does one confirm this news is true? The only answer is by doing a further investigation using the little being presented to the general public. Since TBC news was mentioned in the article that is the starting point of the investigation. Even though google may not be the strongest point of reference try to look for videos or other news sites that may have similar stories and compare information. Then lastly, go to the last news source mentioned. Fox Channel to see if they truly did do a live broadcast of the particular fake news.

From looking at the article on Ghana web it is evident that not only america Struggles to determine the truth in news. However, the world is questioning whether or not news being presented is truly authentic. Furthermore, with the action Tanzania broadcaster took with its own staff to punish the reporter for presenting fake news will other nations follow suite? To help stop the spread of fake news?

Moreover, there have been some actions against fake news. For example there is a site that tries to put all fake news on blast. Not only in America, but every popular fake news spoken about around the World. The site is called Global News.

However, the problem does not only lie with news shared on social media or the internet. Fake news are also being presented through news channels. Primary example is the Trump news from Tanzania. Radio stations also have influence on fake news. Especially over people who have never been to school. To them people who present news are credible sources as to what goes on in the world around them.

Now fast forward to the future. Knowing that fake news is a world wide practice what would be the outcome of it in the future? Could it not start future wars? National conflicts? It probably could. That is why it is the job of those who are aware of the spread of fake news to inform others to take time to do their own research/ investigation on topics/ news they hear on a daily basis to not be fooled by what they hear because there is always two sides to a story.


  1. I agree with your statement about the internet having many trolls to write whatever they want and knowing if the article is true or not.

  2. I agree with you but remember you are writing this in a third person point of view not first person and dont forget to capitalize your 'I' before she takes points off your overall grade.

  3. your blog was interesting. I agree fake news is everywhere now, no matter what website you are viewing. we just have to be more careful when researching

  4. I appreciate the "to be continued" nature of a post that should expand both through hyperlinking and on content. You have a lot of screen grabs here...pace them with text/image/text for post balance? Just remember who your audience is here when you consider text presentation and design.


  5. My Comments: It is great to see that you are fact checking all the information and sources that you are reading. I see Fox news is bringing to light a news report from Ghana stating that President Trump praised the Tanzanian president on his speech. Finding out that it was incorrect was quite interesting to see, as so many people trust Fox News and what they report.

  6. Hi Joy,
    You're post is very interesting. I agree that we have to inform others about it and to do their own research because a lot of what we find on the web is false.
